Faith Through Adversity

Faith through adversity is the story of my brother Chris and I and the adversity we both faced in 2011. I published and released the book December 28th, 2017. Chris was diagnosed with Cancer in February of 2011. I spent to entire spring trying to tell Chris how he she think, act, and feel about being sick. Who was I to tell him how to react to this diagnosis. I was healthy, always have been. Then I received a phone call that changed everything.

As I wrote and re-wrote this story over the last five years I struggled with my confidence. The negative thoughts ran wild in my mind and that voice in my head would tell me , your no author. I thought a lot about family and friends, what would they think? Thoughts of doubt, it not long enough, I have to come off more intellectual and astute if I expect to be taken seriously.

Step out of your comfort zone

Finally I decided the final product didn’t need to be any of those things. I just wanted to share my story just like I was talking to a friend. My hope was that this story would help others who are facing adversity. It doesn’t have to be life threatening situations but any adversity can be faced with courage, dignity, and faith. My writing was never going to be perfect. The timing was never going to be perfect. So I stepped out of my comfort zone and I and published it

Two lessons learned

I learned two things with this experience. First was more of a reminder, greatness is created outside your comfort zone. While I don’t claim that my book is a great piece of literature, Its a great story, and I believe it can help those who may be struggling. And it has given me the confidence to pursue more goals and dreams.

Second, I have received a lot of support and praise from friends and family since releasing and announcing the book, its actually been overwhelming. What is a little troubling, I’m not angry at all just disappointed, there will be those who will not be happy about your success. There will be those who will not acknowledge your accomplishments. Tony Robbins says. “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying”. I would add, your ahead of those who are rolling their eye at you for trying.

Keep your head up, do the work, and the rewards will come.