Top three Fears that keep us in the mediocre mindset

The top three fears that keep us in the mediocre mindset, that keep us from living out our dreams and keeps us from chasing and achieving our goals can be overcome. I have been doing a lot of thinking recently as to why many of us aren’t relentlessly pursuing the lives we dream of. Why do we stay in jobs we don’t like, that leave us unfulfilled, and aren’t our true calling. What would you perfect life look like? What would your career look like? Would you be working the same job or in the same industry you are currently in? What would your relationships look like? What would a typical day look like if you were living the life you dream of? If the life you dream of doesn’t look like the life you are living now its time to make some changes. But why don’t we make the changes necessary and chase a full and significant life?

Its too late for me

Its too late for me, my time has passed me by. We are too comfortable, We have settled for a space where we can pay the bills, we’ve established some level of credibility in our careers, and our thinking is in line with 97% of society. We stay in this mindset where its safe. We don’t dare risk being ridiculed or judged and we don’t dare risk the “security” of that paycheck coming in each week. Often we are fixated with what could go wrong if we chased our dreams and goals instead of being excited about all that could go right. So we stay safe and never truly live fully. I’m telling you its not too late, your time has not passed, and you can change your life right now.

I don’t know How

I don’t know how or where to start is what I hear often. What I believe is at the heart of this fear is we don’t see a clear path to success. The time will never be perfect and before you start you may never have a full proof clear cut plan that takes you from start to achievement. If you are telling yourself you are waiting for the right time and for everything to be perfect you are simply procrastinating. It sounds simple but its important to understand, the first step is to take the first step, begin with the end in mind. What would success look like? What would the perfect day look like on your journey. It starts there. Now with this mental picture of what success looks like you work backwards and create a daily, weekly, and yearly plan and goals that take you closer to your goal. Re-evaluate weekly, monthly, and yearly and adjust accordingly. Seems simple but you’ll also need to add heavy doses of hard work. Success come disguised as hard work and preparation. Important key here, surround yourself with people with this mindset.

I have no experience in the field of my dream

Many of us find ourselves in a line of work we may not have chosen, we fell into a job that satisfied a need at the time and now we believe we are stuck. Maybe we don’t think we have the educations, or knowledge. I’m here to tell you none of that matters. Your will, determination, and tenacity will be the determining factor. I can tell you from experience, most people would say with my back ground I have no business writing book let alone a successful one. My book was an Amazon #1 hot list book in its category. You have to be smart about how you start and go about shifting into a new area of focus but you can do it. All the information you need is out there for you, the internet, books, mentors, etc. You can transform yourself, I am proof. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can. It will be uncomfortable, it will be hard, it will be worth it.

Step out side of your comfort zone and go after the life you dream of. This life is not a practice run, make the most of it. Keep in mind no matter how slow progress is, mistakes made, and hard times you will be ahead of the 97% who wont even try. Get after it.